Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Like Christmas!

I just came back from vacation yesterday and ran eagerly to the mail to see if I had any donations. Usually, I don't like checking the mail because all I find is bills and catalogs that just create clutter. But now, checking the mail is one of my FAVORITE daily tasks. I was even more excited to check after a week of vacation. Like a kid at Christmas, I tore through the big stack of mail and I was not let down! There, waiting for me were two checks from people I do not know from two different states. I was so excited! There are beautiful beautiful people out there who do not know me but are inspired by what I am doing. Each time I receive a donation from one of them, it is like receiving the best Christmas gift ever! This entry is dedicated to the kindness of strangers. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Donations to Date: $3,300. $16,700 to GO!!!


drewmcdo said...

Hi Kristin,
I live in Phnom Penh and know the people at CCF. I am from Denver and will be in town starting 4/9, and was thinking I would enjoy coming to your fundraiser on Sunday (I know Tina too). If you have a chance to get in touch please do. drewmcdo@msn.com or 303-807-1893.
Good luck,
Drew McDowell

Britt Bravo said...

Hi Kristen,

I just linked to you from a post about the Seva Challenge

What has happened since April 1st?