Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Power of One!

Today I eagerly checked the mail hoping to find donations after a week of shameless fundraising. There wasn't the stack of envelopes that I hoped to find but there was one envelope addressed to me from a name that I did not know. Inside was a check for $100 with a note. The note was from a person explaining to me that they had been touched by my ambition to help these children and assuring me that I will easily achieve my goal. It ended with a simple statement "Hurray to the Power of one!". I read and re-read that note. I cannot tell you how deeply and completely touched I was by the power of these words from someone I have never met. This was a beautiful gift from the Universe telling me that I can and will do this. Thank you Jenny for your gift but more importantly, for believing in me. Your support means more to me than you may ever know. The Power Of One back at ya! :-)

1 comment:

gosonja said...

Keep Blogging, we love it and we read it!
Post for you is going up tomorrow.
$5 is on the way.