Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Power of One!

Today I eagerly checked the mail hoping to find donations after a week of shameless fundraising. There wasn't the stack of envelopes that I hoped to find but there was one envelope addressed to me from a name that I did not know. Inside was a check for $100 with a note. The note was from a person explaining to me that they had been touched by my ambition to help these children and assuring me that I will easily achieve my goal. It ended with a simple statement "Hurray to the Power of one!". I read and re-read that note. I cannot tell you how deeply and completely touched I was by the power of these words from someone I have never met. This was a beautiful gift from the Universe telling me that I can and will do this. Thank you Jenny for your gift but more importantly, for believing in me. Your support means more to me than you may ever know. The Power Of One back at ya! :-)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


This entry is dedicated to TJ Wihera who wrote a Perspective in this Sunday's Denver Post about how he would rather spend thousands of dollars on the care of his pet than give $5 to charity. He argues that he should feel some moral dilemna but he doesn't. He sleeps just fine at night. But here is where I feel his arguement his flawed. He doesn't have to make a choice. We live in such an abundant country that we can do both. We can take care of our family pets who we love and we can be charitable to the human race at the same time.

Charity comes in many forms. Charity doesn't have to be sending money to a child across the world rather than caring for your sick dog. In fact, I would be abhorred by anyone who chose not to care for their sick dog (having previously spent thousands of dollars myself on a sick pet). Charity can be small. Charity can be caring for a friend who is having a hard time. Charity can be any action performed from the heart with the right intention. And small acts of charity can add up to a tremdendous collective impact.

But since I happended to be doing a fundraiser for children across the world when I read this article, I am asking people to give to children across the world (find information on makind donations to the right). After reading TJ's article, I am more determined than ever to find 4,000 to give me $5 to donate to the Cambodian Children's Fund to help me raise my goal of $20,000! Pet Owners unite and send me $5 to prove TJ wrong! I will be emailing this blog to TJ and I challenge him to give me $5. Because he can do both! There is no moral dilemna. There is enough for everyone. TJ, you don't have to choose between your dog and a child. And anyone who loves their dog like you do, is a good person! So, give me $5 and send this to your friends to give me $5 and help your dog and a child!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


When I started this journey I knew that I would need help from my friends and members in my community. But I have literally been BLOWN AWAY by the support I have received this far. My yoga teachers Tina, Christina, and Jen at Blue Sky Yoga agreed to do a fundraiser yoga class and even a dinner afterwards! My friend Sonja Wieck who is a professional athlete responded to my email FROM VACATION that she would jump right on it when she got back. And my beautiful running friends Monica, Caroline, Rene, and Ginny (with whom I now do dinner rather than run) have all agreed they want to help plan the EVENT of the year to raise money. Even my co-workers who are being hit up by one fundraiser after another have been so enthusiastic. Chris, if you're reading this, thanks for all the suggestions on my blog. Rick - thanks for the $100. And Robin, thank you for wanting to help plan the event of the year!

I am so grateful to be surrounded by such amazing individuals. I was a bit scared when I started this journey that I wouldn't be able to raise $20,000. But now, I am inspired! My vision that started out as mine alone is now part of a collective community and I now feel like there is no way that I can't succeed!